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Sunday, March 13, 2011

A New Beginning

And so a new year has begun and so is the running season. Getting motivated was the hard part since the snow and cold was not inviting. Now being in March and finally getting into a rhythm of running 3 days a week or so, I feel ready to really get into training mode. My first race this year will be May 22nd. A 5K in Birmingham which isn't that far from home. I'm familiar with the city, backroads and neighborhoods that I should be confidant in every stride.

It's funny that I'll be running in Birmingham right off the bat this year because I pretty much grew up there in the summers. I was a Swimmer back in my youth and belonged to a Country Club team in Bham (my nickname for the city). For 13 years of my life, I was in that pool soaking up the sun and chlorine! It meant everything to me. I wasn't the fastest but I was darn sure the most dedicated to the sport. My personal best kept me confidant and brought me the challenges I needed to succeed. My coach for all those years, Mr. Lane, was a huge part of my swim life. Well, life I guess. He taught me everything about discipline and respect, amongst many other things. To believe in myself was the biggest. That I could do anything that I set my mind to. From diving off the blocks the first time (age 5) to my first no breather (age 12) to my best swim times ever, he was there. Now that time has past and my life has changed focus, I've been craving that adrenaline and excitement of pushing myself to limits that I never thought possible. To feel my blood pumping and warm sweat trickling down my face after a hard set. I've been needing a new sport. A new dedication. That's when the Fish became a Runner!

1 comment:

  1. You have my support 1000% Annie..... 27 # ?? HOLY TAMOLIE.
