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Friday, March 18, 2011

Eating: Some Things to Digest

In my years journey of loosing weight and loving food, it has always been a struggle to enjoy what I want to eat and enjoy my body when I eat right. Now merging the Want and Right will always be hard. That's why I read a lot of articles in Women's Health, Runner's World and The Food Network to find key foods and recipes that not only Do Good for my body but Taste Good too!


Season Your Food!
No one wants to eat bland food. So season it with salt, pepper, garlic salt, paprika, red pepper flakes, oregano and steak seasoning to name a few. Anything that will add heat will benefit your metabolism and make you slow down when you eat. Which is something that my generation has issues with. When at the grocery store, look at the whole spice section and read the labels if there is nutrition information on them (like how much sodium per serving). Get a few to start and taste the difference.

Portion Alert!
Always start small by putting less protein on your plate compared to your veggies and put way less fats and sweets than your protein. What's helped me a lot is reading the nutrition facts on EVERYTHING. Serving size, calories, fat content and so on are very important to be successful in weight loose and a healthy lifestyle!

Eat Color!
I'm sure many people would agree that most of the food they consume looks brown or beige. Talk about boring! There are so many articles out there that will agree, the more colorful your plate, the healthier you're eating! Eat the Rainbow! There are so many nutrients and vitamins in those foods that we need and we can't get in a pill.

H2O... Drink It!
For years, my dad has envied my ability to drink a lot of water! And that is something that came from being a swimmer and a dedicated athlete. Even those who don't want to be athletes, water should be your go to drink no matter where you go or what you're doing! The best part is that water can be free and inexpensive at restaurants and you can lessen waste if you use tap water and a filter pitcher. So you can be healthy, cheep and green by drinking water. Now yes, there is such a thing as drinking TOO much water. If you're full, don't keep drinking. Drink when you're thirsty and when you eat! If you just ate a meal and you are still hungry, drink some water first and see how you feel a few minutes after. Sometimes huger is a false indicator for being hungry, you might be thirsty. And if you are hungry after a meal and water didn't help, then do eat a small light healthy snack.

So with all of this info, remember to do some research about anything and everything! And always talk to your doctor! Doctors can help with any health issues that might happen along the way (like digestive system or allergies, and everything else).

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